Silicone Mould-硅胶复模发表时间:2019-12-03 17:32 硅胶模貝主要用于在聚氨酯中拷贝好多个到几十个零件。 该方式 应用起來迅速且便宜,而且还可以很好地重现主零件的表面构造。 FFF 主零件的作用是以尽量高的精度表明需要的样子。具备最好精度的 FFF 方式 是 SLA 和 Sanders 喷墨打印机。后面一种比SLA给予更强的精度,但内置在结晶状原材料中的母版只有用于一个硅模貝。针对大比小和大零件,喷墨打印机方式也太慢了。 一般应用聚氨酯弹性体聚氨酯。在极个别状况下,也应用环氧树脂胶。聚氨酯能够给予各种各样不一样的原材料特点,从软硫化橡胶状到十分硬或牢固的特点。 用于硅胶成形的聚氨酯一般用于仿真模拟聚丙稀、ABS、涤纶或别的热固性塑料。仿真模拟依然不足好,不可以强烈推荐用于物理性能尤为重要的系统测试。 硅胶模貝一般可以不断 15 -30 次枪击。殊不知,生产制造新模貝很容易,以致于该方式 能够反复用于高达 60 个零件。具体/经济发展限定是聚氨酯弹性体的循环系统時间比注塑工艺的相对应循环系统时间长得多,而且一般每日只有生产制造 3-4 个零件。 传统式的硅胶成形是一种比较简单的方式 ,即便 在业余组生产车间还可以轻轻松松开展。比如,当必须迭代更新产品研发时,必须迅速开展检测和商品改动,生产制造能够在一个简易的检测生产车间在当地开展。该方式 也适用于資源比较有限的个人发明人。 在关键从业原形生产制造的企业和单位中,基本上不会再应用传统式的硅胶成形。取代它的的是进一步开发设计的组合,真空铸造。在真空铸造时,真空用于清除硅胶中的气体,并使塑胶能够更好地添充在狭小的间隙中。真空铸造不但具备优异的表面构造3D渲染工作能力,还能够重现非常薄的壁和小关键点。真空锻造设备非常价格昂贵,可用于较大 超出 2 米的零件规格。 Silicone mould is mainly used to reproduce a few parts up to a few dozens in polyurethane.The method is fast and inexpensive touse and also capable of exceptionally good reproduction of the surfacestructure of the master parts. The function of the FFF master part is to representthe desired shape with the best possible precision. The FFF methods that havethe best precision are SLA and Sanders inkjet. The latter gives betterprecision than SLA, but masters built in the wax-like material can only be usedfor one silicon mould. For bigger than small and for massive parts the inkjetmethod also is too slow. Usually the thermosetting plastic polyurethane isused. In rare cases epoxy is also used. Polyurethane can be provided inqualities with very varied material properties from soft rubber-like to veryhard or firm qualities. Polyurethane for silicone moulding is often offered assimulating polypropylene, ABS, nylon or other thermoplastics. The simulation isstill not good enough to be recommended for functional testing where mechanicalproperties are essential. The silicone mould is normally capable of lasting 15 -30 shots. It is however so easy to produce new moulds that the method could beused over again for up to 60 parts. The practical/economical limitation is thatthe cycle time for thermosetting plastic is considerably longer than thecorresponding cycle time for injection moulding, and often only 3-4 parts canbe made per day shift. Conventional silicone moulding is such a simple method, thatit could easily be carried out even in a hobby workshop. When for example thereis a need for iterative product development, where tests and product modificationstake place at a fast pace, the production could be made locally in a simpletest workshop. The method is also suitable for the private inventor withlimited resources. At companies and departments that work mainly withprototype manufacturing, conventional silicone moulding is hardly used anymore.Instead the further developed variant, vacuum casting, isused. At vacuum casting, vacuum is used to eliminate airfrom the silicone and also to make the plastic fill better in narrow slots.Vacuum casting doesn’t only have an outstanding capability to render thesurface structure, it could also reproduce fairly thin walls and small details.Machines for vacuum casting are rather expensive and are available for partsizes up to over 2 meters. |